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Science Department

The Brien McMahon High School Science Department provides student focused scientific experiences that include hands-on laboratory experiments, problem solving and the application of critical thinking skills. It is our goal to ensure that all students graduate college and career ready through creating a student-centered learning environment in a collaborative culture. In addition to our core courses, we have an extensive rigorous elective program that allows our students to focus on a content area of choice and in many cases, earn college credit in the process. All students are strongly encouraged to study a fourth year in Science, more than 75 percent of our students take at least four years of science classes.

BMHS Science students have the opportunity to follow one of our unique content-based pathways. As a certified Project Lead the Way provider in the three programs; Pre-Engineering, Biomedical Science and Computer Science,  students can enroll in our flexible 4-year sequence of courses to earn not only high school credit, but college level credit for these rigorous programs. In addition to our pathways, we are excited to offer our Healthcare Academy. This program is a small learning community within BMHS that will focus on careers in medicine and other health related fields. The Healthcare Academy will also offer the opportunity for students to earn college credit as well as professional certifications that can be applied to career of post-secondary education.